Final Weekend Update and Another Video
We are entering the final weekend of our IndieGoGo campaign. First, the good news is the book will be made. Second, the bad news is that currently nobody will be getting any sort of compensation for their work creating this book. We are just a little bit over the break even point.
We really need some sort of “miracle” over the next few days. At the very least, Jules would like to give Matt some sort of monetary compensation for his BRILLIANT art. He more than deserves it.
Once again, we would like to thank every one who has shared this campaign, both online and offline. We also want to thank the Functional Nerds podcast for many mentions of this project, over the last few weeks.
As we go into the final weekend of this campaign, we’d like to reveal what would have been the video released at the 25% funding mark. And who knows, maybe some small miracle will happen over the weekend, and we will be able to release more. For best viewing, watch in full screen mode.
Also, we ask that you push extra hard this weekend and share the IndieGoGo campaign more times than you are probably comfortable with.
You all are awesome! Without your support, Five Little Zombies And Fred would not become a soon-to-be-real thing!
<3 from,
Jules, Matt, Errol, Andrew and Chris.