Week Two Thank-Yous And Request For Feedback
We are now at the end of the second week of our IndieGoGo campaign. We have yet to reach our first 12.5% funding goal, allowing us to reveal the first six pages in full-colour. Currently, we are 7.9% of total funding, which is a decrease in momentum from our first week. While we are extremely happy with the support we have already received, we would like your feedback on something we are contemplating that may help pick up the pace. Before we get to this thing we are contemplating and ask you for your opinion, we would like to thank every one who’s contributed during our second week, and have mentioned Five Little Zombies And Fred on Twitter, Facebook, Google Plus, and those people who have mentioned it in their blogs.
Other Blogs Mentioning Five Little Zombies And Fred:
James Aquilone and JP Frantz included the IndieGoGO campaign in Hugo nominated SF Signal’s SF/F Crowd Funding Roundup For 8/3/2012.
Tweets That Caused Us To Do A Happy Seal Clap:
New York Times bestselling author Steve Hockensmith, author of Pride and Prejudice and Zombies: Dawn of the Dreadfuls and Pride and Prejudice and Zombies: Dreadfully Ever After, and more, called the book “hilarifab (hilariously fabulous),” when tweeting about the IndieGoGo campaign:
BTW, here’s the project I was supporting. I’ve seen some of the artwork, and it looks hilarifab (hilariously fabulous):
— Steve Hockensmith (@MrHockensmith) August 1, 2012
That is now three nods and contributions from individuals either working at Quirk Books, or published by Quirk Books; two of them zombie authors. This really pleases us and is a nice little ego boots.
Request For Feedback
When we were first thinking about updates, the original idea was to post video updates either: 1) Once a week, revealing six new pages in full-colour; OR 2) Revealing six new pages in full-colour when a funding milestones of 12.5% was reached, whatever came first. Revealing both finished songs and source art, etc., was always going to be once we reached 100% of our funding goal.
Then we decided that there may be more incentive for people to fund the project, and share it on their various social networks, plus share it with their friends and family offline, if we turned it into a game and only revealed video updates based on funding milestones.
Now, we are not so sure. So we want to know what you think. Should we reveal video updates based on our first plan? Or should we continue with the funding milestone model? If we go with our first plan, that would mean that within the next couple of days, we will post the first two videos, allowing every one to see the first 12 pages in full-colour. If we keep with our current model, we have no way of knowing when the first video update will happen.
Leave a comment and let us know which of these two options you think will create the most incentive.
Thanks you all, once again, for both your contributions and your tweets, Facebook status, Google Plus updates, etc. We know that it can be tiring, but we still need more of them, and often. Also, thanks in advance for your feedback!
<3 from,
Jules, Matt, Errol, Andrew, and Chris.
Pages with milestones, IMO
I think people need more of a look at this to gauge the tone of the book and get an idea about how it looks and sounds. I’ve backed this and teeter about it because the concept and the art I’ve seen is delightful, and because the creators are known to me as talented creative people. But it’s harder to explain it to others when you don’t have more to go on. This kind of campaign depends on word of mouth (or “tweet”). Give everyone something to talk about — and they’ll start talking. Let’s see those first videos…