Week Three Thank-Yous
We are now at the end of the third week of our IndieGoGo campaign. We finally reached our first 12.5% funding goal! YAY! Thank you, everyone! It would not have been possible without your support. Now we need to reach the next funding goal of 25% so that we can release the next video, revealing another six full-colour pages. Currently, we are at 13.2%. So, we have a long way to go.
After the feedback we received on Twitter after last week’s request, we’ve decided that if things continue to go slow, we will release one video, for free. The see the rest of the book, contributions will be needed. We haven’t yet decided what “slow” means. We will see how things continue for the next week or so.
Aside from the release of the first video update, this week has been busy for Five Little Zombies And Fred.
Other Blogs Mentioning Five Little Zombies And Fred:
Jules wrote a guest post for the Hugo nominated SF Signal about Five Little Zombies And Fred and the people behind the project.
Jules was a guest on the Function Nerds podcast, hosted by John Anealio and Patrick Hester, to discuss Five Little Zombies And Fred.
Paul Weimer reviewed Five Little Zombies And Fred on the Hugo nominated SF Signal.
Jenny Williams wrote about the IndieGoGo campaign on Wired’s GeekDad.
Thanks you all, once again, for both your contributions and your tweets, Facebook status, Google Plus updates, etc. If we continue to promote it often, together we can make this happen!
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Jules, Matt, Errol, Andrew, and Chris.